
Raziel Charles

Business Development Executive

About Me

Raziel Charles is a businessman, consultant, investor, and entrepreneur. Born and raised in the Houston Area, Texas, Raziel Charles started his passion for marketing by working in project management. Charles has always had an entrepreneur mindset, which has lead him to launch multiple businesses and a non-profit Community Awareness Program called  Buy Da Block. In 2017, he found the opportunity to learn how to manage a direct marketing program for multiple billion-dollar companies that are well-known worldwide which he later transitioned into helping other Small and mid-sized business owners hire, train and develop their Team & Staff. Helping them save time, money and helping them increase annual revenue. 


In 2018 Raziel had the opportunity to donate with the N.E.G.U. (Never Ever Give Up) Foundation inspired by Jessie Ree's Foundation.

They believe in every child fighting cancer deserves joy, the opportunity to smile, and be encouraged to NEVER EVER GIVE UP!

2019 Raziel partnered with the Shepherd's Heart Foundation in Waco Texas,

Their Mission Statement is to feed, clothe, empower and advocate for families in need throughout our community, demonstrating to them the love of God.*64858087_2179721002319441_8303634442870587392_n*jpg?alt=media&token=867e125a-9afc-4d40-88ea-787a00a3a6e0*75429700_1276881972521244_4013706882970550272_n*jpg?alt=media&token=b66d12c8-e437-466c-990e-cf22473742e3

In 2020 Raziel and his company Ascension Marketing Group Inc, Partnered with Habitat for Humanity and provided tablets for raffle to local businesses in the Waco area to help support their mission to develop homes for the less fortunate.*1650559686837*1650539655443*00*svg?alt=media&token=a17f7fd0-31a5-41be-a5f4-98a612ea9032

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"No excuse no matter how valid, weakens a person's character. Therefore, i shall not make excuses."

Let Me Help Your Business

Are you a business owner or entrepreneur with a sales team?

Are you finding it difficult to hire, train and keep GREAT people in your business?

If you’re tired of constantly chasing more growth and revenue in your business. You might want to check this out. 

Doesn’t matter if you’re in Solar, Insurance, Home-Protection, or Broadband sales. If you’re responsible for Recruiting, Hiring, Training and Developing a Sales team - i know how daunting it is. You get ahead with a good team and they fall off. You focus on the top 20% and they stick it through - Only to not respect the Opportunity as much as YOU! That’s the life of a business owner in Marketing right? WRONG! It’s the life of an Entrepreneur with no systems! You’re kidding right? All you need is a system to be successful at this stuff?

Yes! It’s that simple.

A system to bring it all together. Everything that you know you should be doing to be successful at business, but you’re just not sure how to get there. You see the top earners in your field and wonder - “How do they do it?” and all they have is a proven and tested way to grow their business by actively hiring, training, and retaining top talent. You can do that too! You can not only create a system - but have it simplified to GROW your team by replacing yourself!

We all know if you’re working IN your business, it’s just another job. Together, we’ll turn your passion of helping others - into a business that’s a well oiled, revenue generating machine!

First, We can work with you to develop a hiring, on-boarding and training strategy that will help you get top talent and help them make more money faster! This will help you retain more people in your business!

Then, we’ll work with you to identify your target customers' pain points, and develop a plan to solve them. Helping you and your team generate more revenue for your business, helping you build faster.

Lastly, we’ll equip you with the tools to grow your business and drive revenue, just by fixing a few simple mistakes we see businesses make on a consistent basis!

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